Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #259: Iron Man Mark 50(Iron Man/Spider-man Infinity War 2-Pack)

  I still don't know how I feel about Tony being Peter's mentor.

 I'm not much of an MCU collector, but I wanted the MCU take on the Iron Spider(Spoilers!)... and that meant getting this figure of Iron Man Mark 50.
 I'll tell you this much, this guy comes with one of my favorite Iron Man accessories ever. This transparent piece of plastic plugs into his back, and it showcases these things, which I assume are some sort of cannons, to his sides. It looks badass. As for Iron Man himself... He looks fine, I guess. I like it better when there's more yellow in my Iron Men. I don't much like the red they used on him either. The sculpt feels a bit top heavy too, I dunno, something looks off. His trapezius is too large, bloated even.
 Articulation is a bit weird. He has the basics, the swivels on the arms and legs, double jointed elbows and knees.... but he has no waist swivel, so instead he must make do with a torso ball-joint... and it doesn't look the best, not on Iron Man anyways. His knees are a bit stiff, sometimes when playing with him, my finger got trapped between the joint and the knee pad, it hurt! Oh, and the shooty-hand don't have hinges, lame!
 I don't like this figure very much. The proportions look weird, and I don't really like the almost purpuly red... but at least he comes with a cool accessory.

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