Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #258: Marvel Legends Darkstar

 I wonder if she voted for Putin...

 Darkstar is a character I've come across during my Spider-man readings as well as in some TV Shows, like one time in Avengers and another one in X-Men TAS, so I don't really know much about her besides her being a mutant. 
 .... but I really liked how she looked, I mean, black and yellow? My weakness. Much like Moonstone, she has a very simple design, but I like the colors. He headsculpt is fine, not very remarkable, but not much to complain about besides it being.... well, a bit boring.
 She has the basic female articulation, y'know what to expect by now.
 She's an alright figure. I mean, she helps boost the amount of figures I won because she was super cheap, and I do like her paintjob... but that's it.

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