Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #257: Marvel Legends Wolverine(Laura)

  I wonder if her feet-claws smell...?

 Remember when Marvel killed Wolverine? Of course that wouldn't stick, but they took the opportunity to make Laura Wolverine. Thankfully, now she has her own codename.
 Can you see it? Can you? It's that dreaded female teen buck, damnit! There's no way X-23 should be this short, she's been portrayed as taller, specially since she took the Wolverine mantle, so this doesn't cut it anymore. No way. On the flips ide, I really like the headsculpt and the blue and yellow they picked for the figure. I like how the claws look on her and the design of her costume.
 And then there's the articulation, which is passable, but.... c'mon, retire this buck already.
 As you can probably tell, yeah, not a a fan. And do you know what sucks? There's no really excellent X-23 figure, the other ones that Hasbro have released have wonky proportions, with large heads that don't look right. And this one... the head is fine, I think, but.... she shouldn't be this short. She should have a better articulated buck.

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