Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #256: Marvel Legends Taskmaster

 I wonder if he keeps track of his tasks with a checklist.

 When it was time for me to get TaskMaster, I went for the modern look because the classic TaskMaster just looks... I dunno, the color scheme looks disjointed to me.... but I started regretting it because, hey, that's how TaskMaster looks in Marvel VS Capcom! But Hasbro to the rescue, the classic TaskMaster is being rereleased in the Cabal 3-Pack!
 The figure is... alright. This is based on the Udon outfit, which is why he has that alternate head, but you'll notice that the paint scheme doesn't really match Udon's look... oh no, this is actually how he looks in the animated series of the era! And even then, it's not 100% accurate. So... yeah, it's like they tried to make a mix-mash of various modern TaskMasters into one. Was it a good idea? Dunno.
 Articulation is exactly the same as the Civil Warrior, as they share the same legs and arms! It's adequate, but somebody like him should have butterfly joints. He is slightly taller than Bucky Cap.
 He's... he's alright. I thought he looked cooler than classic Taskmaster, but I think if I could choose again... I would've gone for the classic TaskMaster. Nah, scratch that, classic Taskmaster is rereleasing soon, and thus I get to keep both versions.

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