Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #255: Marvel Legends Molecule Man

  Probably the most powerful being in Marvel.

 The story behind Molecule Man is fairly funny because he started off as a not so memorable Fantastic Four villain who one day realized that he was actually almost godlike in power and didn't need a wand to do whatever he wanted.
 The guy looks really goo. Outside of his torso and head, nothing else is new, but it looks fairly decent on him. I think his faces might look a bit too... nice, but it works considering that after Battleworld he became more of a neutral character. On the other hand, I think the guy is a bit too large, I always pictured him as more meek and shorter.
 He's got a skirt that limits the range on his legs a bit, and shoulder pads that also limit some of the range on his arms. Molecule Man is not much of an athlete, so the range he does have to be enough for him. His quite a bit taller than Bucky Cap.
 As I said before, about the only major gripe I have is that he is a bit larger than I would've liked for the guy. Y'know who could've rocked this size? Giant-Man.

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