Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #254: Marvel Legends Domino

  Aw, she looks just like a puppy with a spot!

 Domino is one of those characters that skirt the line between obscure and mainstream. She's been in many X-Men adaptations, but with small roles. She's appeared in plenty of X-Men comics... but not the ones that are the most known!
 She's pretty much a black and white figure, ignoring the sliver of silver on her belt and the silver leg and arm guards. And for such a simple paint job, she looks pretty cool. The sculpted details all make her look very, very badass. She came with two purple guns, but she doesn't play around, give her proper black or silver guns!
 She's got the usual female figure articulation, nothing more, nothing else.
 I like this figure a lot, she looks fantastic... hopefully, Hasbro starts incorporating more and better articulation on their female heroes....

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