Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #253: Marvel Legends Spider-Gwen

  Is that Anya Taylor Joy?!

 Well, whether you call her Spider-Gwen or Spider-Ghost. this character has become sort of a hit, so of course she had to get her own fig... but is it a good fig?
 That's a good question! Well, can you tell? Yes, she's built on that dull teenage female mold. The design looks good, I like how her costume looks, and it looks nice on her. The web designs on her arms have a few splotches of rogue paint, but nothing I can't live with... But, c'mon, she shouldn't be this young and this short, this is not a good buck for her. And the face looks... looks like Anya Taylor Joy for some reason?
 I think among all the characters that use this buck, this one has the least range on her legs to lift them. It's terrible! You can finagle it a bit higher if you do some twisting and spinning, but you shouldn't have to.
 Nah, sorry, but this figure doesn't do justice to the character. She shouldn't look this young and be this short.

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