Monday, June 10, 2024

Action Figure #240: Marvel Legends Citizen V

  So who are the other 4 Citizens?

 While there are no previous Citizens there have been multiple Citizen V, so which one is this? Probably Zemo in disguise, but don't tell anybody!
 More than a Bucky Cap reuse, this is more of a Black suit Daredevil reuse, from the boots up to his wrappings. He has an entirely unique head and cape, however. I feel like the reds they used should've been a bit lighter, but it's OK, I think.
 The one thing that stands out about this figure is the cape. It's not very soft, and it's held in its place by the shoulders, and it holds surprisingly well if you force it to fold to use his arms.
 Not the most interesting character design, but another good use of the Bucky Cap mold.

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