Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #241: Marvel Legends Beta Ray Bill

  Even horses can be Thor.

 I'm kind of a closet fan of Beta Ray Bill. Back when I was younger, I was out shopping with my parents and I came across this action figure of a horse-looking Thor. Of course I convinced them to buy me this weird action figure. I don't think I ever truly found out who he was until the advent of the Internet! But I hold such nostalgia for that figure that I love the character! He was an Annihilator too!
 This is, well, a very modern Beta, which isn't my favorite look for the guy, as you could probably guess. But, look, until my ideal Beta comes out, this one serves me well. The Thor influence is there, the horse face is there, and it's an all-around a good sculpt.
 Articulation-wise it covers all the Marvel Legends basics. That said, the shoulder pads do limit his movement a bit, BUT, inn exchange, he's got mouth articulation! It might just be my figure, but his hands seem to come out of their sockets a bit too easily. He's quite taller than Bucky Cap. 
 Not my favorite look, but Beta Ray Bill is a great figure... now if only he could lift his arms a bit higher!

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