Monday, June 10, 2024

Action Figure #239: Marvel Legends Sleepwalker

  This is not another League of Legends fig!

 First of all, no, this is not Malzahar, as Dreamwalker is much, much older than League of Legends. But.... who is him? That's a good question! This guy is super obscure, buuut he did appear in Battleworld 2 if I remember correctly.
 While he is on the Bucky Cap mold, he has a few interesting additions. He has wrappings on his arms, on  one leg and on his boots, as well as a hood and a tattered cape. If you ask me, for a weirdo, he is kinda cool!
 Say it with me! Bucky. Cap. Mold.
 This is a good figure, and shows how much mileage you can get out of the Bucky Cap Mold with just a bit of extra additions.

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