Monday, June 10, 2024

Action Figure #233: Marvel Legends A.I.M. Scientist Supreme

  It's time for some weird science!

 And now, for a figure that I didn't care too much about, but I kinda liked how he looked: A.I.M. Scientist Supreme! For someone that doesn't like Captain America and Thor... I sure have a lot of their related villains, huh?
 This guy is built on the same mold as the Civic Warrior, but painted mostly in gold. While this character is just another A.I.M. member, I think his design stands out a lot, but he is just a role that many different characters have filled. The gold looks great on him, and I think that he's a good looking fig.
 His articulation is a bit limited due to the shoulder pads. He has no waist swivel, but the ball-jointed torso works well enough. In this guy's case, I don't mind losing a bit of range, because this guy is a scientist, not a super hero. I don't see why he should be raising his arms anyways! His helmet makes him slightly taller than good ol' Bucky Cap bucks.
 He's a good figure of a... somewhat of a background character only slightly more important than the average A.I.M. soldiers. I like it!

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