Monday, June 10, 2024

Action Figure #232: Marvel Legends Ulik

 I'm not trolling.

 Marvel's best known troll, Ulik. No, I'm still not a Thor fan, but this guy's been on plenty of TV series, and, c'mon, he is a big boy, I love big figures to display as baddies!
 I really like this figure. He shares a few pieces with Rhino(Spoilers!), but it makes sense for both of them to have the cracked texture on their skins, considering Ulik is a Rock Troll! The guy looks incredible, and his design is generic enough so as to be able to work as a troll on a more medieval figure display. The only thing that I found a bit distracting is that his ab-crunch is a bit gappy when standing-straight.
 Articulation wise, those look like the older ball-jointed hips, but they are not, so don't worry about it. He has single jointed elbows and knees, which are OK on big figures like this one, as well as waist, arm and leg swivels, and a hinge-jointed ab crunch, so the guy can hit a fair amount of poses.
 Ulik is a fantastic figure, not only because he looks good, but because his design is generic enough so that you can use him with other collections!

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