Saturday, June 8, 2024

Action Figure #230: Marvel Legends Elektra(Sp//der Wave)

  Thankfully, not related to Oedipus.

 In what is now a more left-leaning world, Frank Miller has become somewhat of a persona-non-grata. And I get it, he is set in his ways, and he's also a bit dumb... as someone who was never in the army, he was saying that young people should enlist? Like what the hell? But I'll never be one to condemn someone for their thoughts. Everyone grew up differently, we had different experiences that molded us into who we are... but I'll tell you this, I don't like it when he writes Super heroes, such as Batman, as he turns them into misogynistic psychopaths... but, BUT, if he has done one good thing for comics, besides making them more serious... it was creating Elektra
 Oh boy, now that was a giant monologue! But this is what we are here for, Eelektra as an action figure. I think she looks fantastic. This is the classic look, and this figure is form before the Shriek mold, so she has pins, but, still, the paint jobs is really good, and the headsculpt is really good..
 The articulation is.... well, your typical female buck affair. The loin cloth is made up of a harder plastic, but just lift it a bit upwards and you can get her to crouch. It will look a bit awkward, but she will crouch! She has single jointed elbows, but she has more range than Black Cat, thankfully.
 While she is built on an outdated Female Buck... I think she's a really good figure.

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