Saturday, June 8, 2024

Action Figure #228: Marvel Legends Daredevil(Hobgoblin Wave)

  Justice is blind they say... sometimes, it's also horny.

 I've written about all the variants, so I might as well write about my classic and basic Daredevil figure!
 So, here's the thing about this Daredevil figure... for the longest time, I loved this figure. I think Bucky Cap works great for him, so I love having him around... But even though I don't own him, I must acknowledge that there's a better Daredevil out there, one that is sculpted on the Renew Your Vows Spidey Mold! Still, if you can't have that one, because he was part of a three-pack, and thus, now obnoxiously expensive... I think this one gets the job done.
 Just a Bucky Cap buck doing what a Bucky Cap buck does!
 Yeah... I'm quite happy with this Daredevil figure, but if you are willing to pay up... there's an even better Hasbro DD around.

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