Saturday, June 8, 2024

Action Figure #226: Marvel Legends Daredevil(Wallgreens Exclusive)

  Get ready for a Daredevil deluge.

 We'll start this Daredevil bonanza with his very first look, which only lasted about 4 issues, the wrestler-like red and yellow!
 I've a sort of love-hate relationship with this costume. Sometimes I really like how it looks, sometimes I don't. Depends on when you ask me. All that said, this figure was released while Hasbro still treated Yellow as orange, like I wrote in the Cyclops and Kitty Pryde entries, so... it's not quite accurate, now, is it? To remedy this, a proper yellow version was released as a subscription exclusive later down the line.... but this is the one I've got! So, yeah, he's alright, but the likeness could've been a lot better.
 This is your basic Bucky-Cap mold, nothing new to add. 
 At face value, it is a decent figure, I think that Bucky-Cap fits my idea of Daredevil really well, but... the paint-job could've been more accurate.

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