Saturday, June 8, 2024

Action Figure #225: Marvel Legends X-Men '97 X-Cutioner

 An X-Treme name means he was created in the 90's! 

 I don't know anything about X-Cutioner besides what was portrayed in the fantastic new TV Show. But ever since I started collecting figures, and I mean really collecting, sometimes I look up older figure collection from when I was younger, and sometime last year I came around Toybiz's X-Cutioner and the guy caught my eyes, because I didn't even remember seeing him in toy aisles when I was younger! And just a year later, he gets a modern action figure!
 This guy looks great. He looks just like does in the Animated series, and pretty much everything about him is new. New booths, new robes, new head, new weapon, new everything. He looks really cool too. That said... his weapons seem to hand loosely in his hands. The hand comes out easily, and the guncannon doesn't have good friction, which is kinda disappointing.
 The articulation is great considering how many robes he has! Everything is made out of soft rubber, so while he won't be crouching very easily... he can do it. He can kick, and the red cape-thing doesn't hinder his arm at all. He is as tall as the Bucky Cap Mold.
 X-Cutioner is a really good figure, and the fact that Hasbro sculpted so much new stuff for him is a bit surprising!

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