Saturday, June 8, 2024

Action Figure #221: Marvel Legends Mojo

  This is what you call good TV.

 Is Mojo an X-Men Villain? I'd say mostly. I also think he is probably one of the most memorable, doesn't matter when you saw him first, on which animated series, comic or videogame, chances are, you'll never forget about him.
 Well, this is one of my favorite Marvel Legends. When you buy it, you actually have to assemble him, much like MODOK, and some parts, the head mainly, were a bit of a hassle to put on. The peg was too large or something, so I had to heat it with hot water to loosen the plastic. And... y'know, I let it slide with Agony, but... If I have to assemble the figure I shouldn't have to do this. I know the hot water trick because I'm into collecting figures, but if this is my first figure, I wouldn't know about that, and nothing in the packaging tells you that you should try to heat the plastic to assemble it. So I'm making a stand here, this shouldn't be acceptable. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat said, once you finally assemble the guy... c'mon, look at him, he's beautiful. Ugly, but beautiful. He looks just as disgusting as you'd expect him to.
 The legs on his carrier are articulated, all of them, as well as his arms. The pegholes on the arms seems to be slightly larger than they should be, so I am noticing some stress on the shoulder pegs, but so far, no issues.
 This guy looks fantastic, and I love just putting him on my X-Men displays, watching. Making good TV.

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