Friday, June 7, 2024

Action Figure #219: Marvel Legends

 Look out Social Justice Warrior, here comes the Civil Warrior!

 What do I know about the Civil Warrior? Absolutely nothing! But he looks similar to another figure I had bought(Spoilers!) and found him for practically nothing, so I said, what the hell.
 Well, as the number one Captain America disliker, I can already tell you that I'm not particularly fond of the MURICAAAAAA themed paintjob, that said, I think he looks next to this other figure I mentioned. The sculpt is, for the most part, alright, it's just that, well, his arms can never be fully straight, and his legs are always slightly arced to the sides.
 Articulation wise, it's close to the Bucky Cap mold, but has a tiny bit less range on the elbows and knees. It's fine, though. He's slightly taller than the Bucky-Cap mold.
 He's a fine figure, but lemme tell you, I prefer the other one...

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