Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Action Figure #279: Marvel Legends Jigsaw

 He was ugly before his face became a puzzle.

 So, Jigsaw is technically a Spider-man Villain because he was introduced in a Spider-man comic, which also featured his nemesis, The Punisher, as well as Nightcrawler!
 While this guy is in a suit, he does not share a buck with Hammerhead, this guy is slightly smaller, which I think fits, since Hammerhead battles a super hero, while Jigsaw just battles an anti-hero. The headsculpt is absolutely beautiful, in a messed up kind of way, he looks so nasty, I love it. I also love how many accessories that come with the guy, he can arm some of your other figures too! I prefer giving this aluminum bat to Hammerhead, for example.
 The limbs have as much articulation and range as Bucky Cap, but do keep in mind that his jacket flaps can get a bit in the way... I'm of half a mind to open up his jacket, like I did with my DCUC figures. He has no ab crunch, but does have a waist swivel. He is slightly taller than Bucky Cap.
 I love this guy. It's a shame that he didn't sell very well... or maybe, it's a good thing, because you can get a ton of accessories out of him! And he is such a nasty looking villain, he'd look good on any villain display.

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