Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #266: Marvel Legends Ant-Man(Ant-Man/Yellow Jacket 2-Pack)

  A heist movie with super heroes. And it worked!

 I like to complain about the MCU a lot... but c'mon, Ant-Man was a heist movie with Super Heroes! Now that's a novel idea! I actually purchased these two pack because I thought YellowJacket looked really cool.
 I don't know much about MCU figures, so I don't know how much of a reuse this guy is, but what I can tell you is that there was a lot of sculpted work done here. The figure has many different details on his body, so there was work spent modelling this guy.
 Articulation is similar to Bucky Cap, but his ab-crunch is quite pathetic. He's as tall as the Bucky Cap buck. 
 He's alright I guess. I don't much care about this figure to be honest.

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