Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #249: Marvel Legends DarkHawk

  He could join the Silverhawks!

 I've read a few Spider-man comics featuring DarkHawk, but I remember him mostly for Avengers Arena, when one of the characters, Chase was it? Got DH's powers for a spell!
 This guy is built on a modified Bucky Cap mold, but painted in a metallic dark blue that looks beautiful on him. Unlike the Vulture, he has his wings already glue onto his arms, which I appreciate. His right arms has claws... which are very thin and made of a very rubbery plastic, so they WILL warp and they'll never look quite right. He has a few neat grey accessories, like shoulder pads and gauntlets that break up the blue, he looks really nice.
 Articulation is your standard Bucky Cap mold affair, the shoulder-pads are connected to the torso by a rubbery peg, so they extend if you raise his arms, so they don't get in the way of his articulations. The wings don't throw him off balance either, so there's little this guy can't do.
 A surprisingly good figure for a character I'm sure not many people know!

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