Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #245: Marvel Legends Cyclops(Tri-Sentinel Wave)

  One eye, many, many figures...

 Did you think I was done with Cyclops' figures? You thought wrong, buddy, and this... this might not even be the last one.... Oh, yeah, Spoilers!
 This guy looks pretty much identical to Renegade Cyclops, the one with the giant red X on his head, but with a different headsculpt, new bracelets, a different belt and a different color scheme. Among my Cyclops figures... this might be the one I like the least... I can't say I care about it, really... however... this one comes with an alternate head that you can equip with an optic blast effect, and that alone makes this one a very special Cyclops figure. He looks so cool blasting away!
 Articulation is identical to the Bucky Cap mold because this guy is pretty much a Bucky Cap mold... and even though it's a relatively recent figure, he doesn't even have the larger feet. It just might be my figure, but his joints feel very loose.
 It's not my favorite Cyclops ever, but... he has his good points, namely the blaster effect, so he's a good addition to an X-Men collection.


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