Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Action Figure #244: Marvel Legends Scourge

  Not Scourge of the Underworld, but actually D-Man. Both are real characters.

 Talk about an obscure version of an obscure character! This is Scourge, who is actually a resurrected and brainwashed D-Man. What can I say? Comics!
 Where should I start with? When this guy came out he was a bit controversial because all of his weapons are brown. Were they censoring themselves? Was in an artistic choice? Who knows! On the other hand, while clearly using Bucky Cap as a base, this guy has a ton of new sculpted work done on him, he has a ton of details all over his outfit, which is really nice!
 On the articulation end of things... he's basically a Bucky Cap.... although a somewhat shorter one!
 Y'know, he is a good fig, and he kinda bridges the gap between Marvel Legends and G. I. Joe Classified series!

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