Monday, June 10, 2024

Action Figure #236: Marvel Legends Adam Warlock

 Just imagine if our profession was out our last names.

 You can't have a cosmic Marvel display without Adam Strange, now can you? This is based on his 2006 Guardians of the Galaxy look, which I like quite a bit more than his classic look.
 Well, he's a Bucky Cap Mold with a loin-cloth. But that's reducing it a bit, this guy actually looks great, he's got a very cool costume design, it's entirely painted on, with nothing sculpted on the figure, but they did a great job with it. The red and and black is similar to how my Dr. Strange figure looks, but this one has a much more interesting paint job. His face is painted orange rather than gold... but that's how his gold skin has always looked in the comics!
 Articulation-wise... Bucky Cap's gonna do what Bucky Cap's gonna do!
 He's a good figure alright, and I love the fact that this is the version of him that we got, considering I liked the 2006's Guardians so much.

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