Sunday, June 2, 2024

Action Figure #124: DC Universe Classics Red Superman

  Red Oni, Blue Oni.

 And if you thought a blue energy Superman was weird, what if I told you that later on he split into two parts, an angrier Red Superman, and the Blue one became calmer, and nicer. The 90's were wild for comic books, man.
 Well, everything that I said about Blue Superman's sculpt applies to this one, with one tiny change... the headsculpt was redone, because this Superman is ANGRY! I think I kinda prefer how the Blue Superman looks, but only a teeny tiny bit more, I also like this one.
 Articulation is identical and so is his size.
 Well, I like both figures a lot, but if I could only keep one I'd pick the Blue one. But that's just me.

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