Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Action Figure #196: Marvel Legends Agent Venom

  You didn't think that we were done with Venom, now did you?

 Among character reimaginings, Agent Venom was among my favorite ones. Take the abrasive Flash Thompson, but the grown up, more mature, military Flash, and give him Venom, voila! This was a very original, fresh take on Venom, and people ate it up.
 Alright, the sculpt looks really good. He is a bit top-heavy, as you can see that his legs are a bit slimmer than the rest of his body, but it's not too bad. They sculpted a ton of new parts for him. He also has this 4-tendril piece that goes on his back  and allows him to carry other guns with it. It's very Venom-y, so it's quite welcome. Every figure comes with a QC issue on his legs, they forgot to paint the white lines on his right ball-jointed hip.
 The articulation is where he kinda takes a hit. He's only got a waist swivel for the torso articulation, but what really kills him are the severely outdated ball-jointed hips. They are terrible, and annoying to work with, and they were even outdated when they released this figure. Whenever I play with this figure, when I get to the legs... I just hate it.
 Hasbro... bud, buddy... please, please make a new Agent Venom. I'm ready to let go off this guy, but I need an Agent Venom in my collection.

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