Saturday, June 1, 2024

Action Figure #118: Marvel Legends Age of Apocalypse Cyclops

  Grail... acquired(Only Reddit kids will understand)

 This is probably the ugliest Cyclops figure I own, but it's Cyclops and he was cheap, so I bit the bullet. For what it's worth, the opening line is a reference to a guy that claimed to have swapped weed for this figure, so that years down the line when I revisit this.... I can relieve the meme.
 This guy is just ugly. He looks so basic, and, to be fair to Hasbro, sometimes this Cyclops has been depicted like this... but they went the laziest route possible, because sometimes he also has yellow/gold boots, which is something that would've added SOMETHING to this plain looking figure. I think Hasbro knew that they were probably a bit too lazy, so they added some paint to his armor to make it look scrapped. It's still a boring looking figure, and I think it also has to do with the fact that he is on the Bucky-Cap mold. Which is a perfectly good mold, but on such a basic design doesn't do very well. The cherry on top is how dull the face sculpt is. I think that if he had been built on the Vulcan body, which has more heroic proportions, it would've instantly made him look better.
 Articulation is, well, a Bucky cap mold. You might need to raise his belt to use the waist swivel, but once again, nothing worth talking about.
 I don't know, I mean... there's not much you can do with this design, right? But something about this figure feels so lifeless, there's a reason it became a peg-warmer. Maybe if he came with a single-eye optic blast piece, yellow boots, I don't know, anything?

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