Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Action Figure #8: Marvel Legends - Armin Zola(Baron Zemo/Armin Zola Two-Pack)

  Technically, he is headless.

 Much like the Baron Zemo Sr. figure, Armin Zola is a bit on the basic side. And if you've been collecting Marvel legends for long, you probably own an Armin Zola or two. This one has a new face design on his chest, for what it's worth
 He's alright. He's a chunky boy alright, and his lack of head is just funny. He came with much less accessories than Zemo, just an alternate head and a... sort of controller? It probably makes sense for his fans. His arms are on single-jointed elbows, but it's not too bad. The chest has a triangular shape on the shoulder, which does somewhat limit the range on his arms.
 Much like Zemo, this guy is pretty basic. I don't really mind, but there's nothing worth writing home about here. While he is a bit wider than your average Bucky-Cap mold, he is just about as tall.
 Yeah, I don't mind owning him since he played a rather large part in Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes, but he was never a priority and I don't think I'll be displaying him much. Not that I dislike the figure, I just don't care about the character!

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