Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #96: Marvel Legends Hobgoblin (Retro-Carded)

  Mark Hamill doing his best as not-the-Joker.

 And now we are getting into the iconic Spider-man Villains with the Hobgoblin. This guy wasn't just a Green Goblin clone, oh no, this one was more of a mafioso(Maggioso?), and regularly worked with New York's Underbelly. Plus, he's orange, and orange triumphs over purple.
 So why did I go for the animated Hobbie over the Comic accurate one? Simple, the scaley leg-mold is known to break often, so I went for what's safer. Besides, this guy doesn't look half-bad... although the orange could've been less bright, my eyes! That said, one thing they took away from the previous iteration where the pointy boots... the pointy boots that made sure he stayed on his glider! So yeah, good lucking keeping him ON it.
 Articulation-wise it's pretty much a Bucky-Cap mold. He's got those gloves that take a little bit of range away from the double-jointed elbows, but it's not too bad.
 Coloring aside, I think this is a great figure of a great villain.

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