Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Action Figure #16: Marvel Legends Scarlet Spider(Retro-Carded Wave)

 The one character that Marvel hates more than Spider-man: His clone.

 At the time, Hasbro had two versions of Scarlet Spider that you could pick from, a red one with angular eyes, or this one, with a more metallic red... and a glorious Ben Reilly headsculpt that is probably one of my favorite unmasked heads that Marvel has ever released!
 Since like forever, I've always preferred Ben Reilly and Kaine to Peter. Sorry, they just look way cooler, and this figure is a perfect example as to why. While the red-figure, the original release, is more comic book accurate, this metallic re-release just looks incredible. I'm a sucker for metallic paint, what can I say! I'd be displaying him with the unmasked head, but right now I've got the new Scarlet Spider(Spoilers!) using it.
 This figure uses the Pizza Spidey mold, so no feet swivels, but he does have swivels on the thighs, so you can get the same poses. The hoodie is sculpted in, so you can't take it off, and it's made out of plastic. He is a bit thinner and smaller than the Bucky-Cap mold, but I think he looks pretty nice. The only issue would be that most Spider-man figures use the Sunfire mold or the Renew your Vows mold, so he looks smaller next to them, making him a bit outdated. That said, this was my second ever 6-inch action figure since I started collecting, and for many years, him and Kaine were the only figures I owned!
 He is outdated, he is. The new Scarlet Spider, while sporting a red color as opposed to this metallic red, just blows this one out of the water. That said, the new figure doesn't come with a Ben Reilly headsculpt, so this one at least has that over the new figure! Regardless, if the new figure didn't exist, I would've scored this one much higher, but as it stands... it's outdated. It's a perfectly fine figure, just outdated. 


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