Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #103: Marvel Legends Wolverine(Bonebreaker Wave)

  Remember the heat claws? Not even Marvel wants to remember.

 A few years ago, Marvel had this event, the Death of Wolverine. It was such an obvious marketing ploy that they promised he would stay dead for at least a year. Even Marvel knows that death in their comics means squat. But alas, upon his return... they gave him the ability to heat his claws? Why? His adamantium claw can already cut through anything, so... what's the point? None. But hey, he was super cheap and I needed a Wolvie!
  The sculpt is really good, as a matter of fact, he has very think arms and a shorter frame than your average Marvel Legends, so he is not 'just another' Buck Cap. The claws are a bit ugly, because they are a bit transparent and a bit too short for my taste, but hey, I've got a Wolverine on my collection, don't I? The yellow is a bit too neon-y for my taste, but it's not too awful.
 The articulation is fine, just keep in mind that his thick arms do get in the way of the double jointed elbows, but that aside, he is good to go. As I mentioned before, he is slightly shorter than the Bucky-Cap mold, as he should!
 Yeah, this figure scratched my Wolverine itch. It's not the best, but for its price it couldn't be beat, at the time anyways.

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