Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #91: Marvel Legends Misty Knight

  She's not a knight made out of mist.

 I haven't had the chance to disclose it, but I'm somewhat of a closet Iron Fist fan(Spoilers!), so naturally, I gravitate towards his support cast, namely her best love interest ever, Misty Knight!
 Where to begin... first of all, she uses the Scarlet Witch buck, which means she is hard to stand, and what's worse, her head is kinda heavy, which makes it even harder! Now, the headsculpt is really good... until you get to the paint in her eyes... She's cross-eyed! Every single version of this figure looks like this, how did this get past QC?
 Articulation is what you'd expect, what can I say? Her 'do makes her slightly taller than the Bucky-Cap mold.
 This figure is... disappointing to say the least. Misty Knight should be a tad more muscular, and why keep her mechanical arm to just a fist instead of the whole arm? Missed opportunity right there. But the eyes, man, the eyes, that's downright inexcusable. I hope we get a new Misty Knight soon, hopefully with the other Daughter of the Dragon, Coleen Wing.

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