Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Action Figure #23: Marvel Legends Venom (Venom 3-Pack)

  There's more venom to go around.

 And this, my friends, is my favorite Venom action figure out right now. About the only downside used to be that you could only find him as part of a three-pack, but that's no longer an issue since he is being released by himself!.... albeit as a crappy Target exclusive that screws everyone over unless they have a Target in their country.
 Why do I prefer him over the previous Venom figure? Simple, this one is bulkier, but no overly so, since he uses the Omega Red buck. Both of the two heads he comes with are fantastic, you've got this one with the large tongue, or you've got one that has one side of it being Eddie, almost as if he had the symbiote punched out of him. It looks phenomenal to pose him taking a punch. 
 The articulation was super smooth, although his knees felt a bit gummy, but it's a non-issue since I never had any troubles posing him. Since he uses the Omega Red mold, he is quite a ways taller than the Bucky-Cap mold, making him a fantastic villain to have around.
 As I said before, this one is my favorite Venom figure. It's not a massive step-up from the previous one, and some people might actually prefer a slightly shorter Venom, but when I picture him, this is how I see him,

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