Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #78: Marvel Legends Mysterio(Retro-Carded)

  There's no mystery.

 I did mention my ML collection is themed around Spidey, right? Well, now Mysterio gets his turn in the limelight.
 I went for this version over the comic book one because I prefer the gold extremities over the lighter green ones. AS for the figure itself, it's pretty decent. The helmet and cape are their own separate piece, but it's a bit on the heavy side, which can make him hard to stand. If you use the little peg on the cape itself into the figure's port at his back makes the whole thing look slightly elevated. Under the helmet there's a translucent head, probably meant to represent a hologram, but the comic version of this figure has a skull, which makes it much cooler.
 This is not the Buck/Cap Mold, but it has exactly the same articulation, giving Mysterio a large amount of range and poseability... if only his helmet cape wasn't so heavy! This figure is a prime candidate for a redo with a cloth cape.
 If you can get him into a mystical pose, which is easier with his special effect pieces, he can look pretty cool if you manage to get him right.

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