Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Action figure #22: DC Super Heroes Mr. Freeze

  Ice, Ice baby.

 So, Mr. Freeze has been a classic Batman villain ever since his reimagining in the Batman Animated Series, and being such a staple villain I kindad needed him in my collection.
 For a DCUC figure he is a bit bulkier than most, although I've seen his beefy legs and boots reused on Lex Luthor(Spoilers!). I've got mixed feelings about this guy. On one hand, his bulky frame makes for an imposing villain, even his backpack and gun are massive. But on the other hand... why is his midriff exposed? He looks straight out of JoJo!
 I've got another couple of issues with him. For starters, his left leg is permanently at an angle, which is weird, but at least he's got swivel boots, so you can have his feet facing forward. The handles of his gun are made of hard, fragile-feeling plastic which scares me a bit. Oh, and in my figure's case, probably because he is such an old figure, his ankles are very loose, which sometimes makes it hard to stand him. And something that was a very odd design choice... his head turns alongside his torso. Why? Who knows.
 This Mr. Freeze figure is, honestly, a bit lackluster. I don't remember him ever having this look, but as beefy as he looks, the exposed skin just doesn't match him, or make sense really.

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