Thursday, May 30, 2024

Action Figure #64: DC Universe Classics Mr. Miracle

  It's a miracle that he got made!

 Funny thing with Mr. Miracle... I'm not sure of how I know him! Much like Guyver, this guy has always been in my memories, but I don't know how, since his animated appearances can be counted on hand. I probably found him on comic book racks that I'd check out on whatever kiosk or store was selling comic books, but I don't think I ever owned a comic book of his'. Regardless, I knew about the character, and I liked him. No wonder, there's a lot of yellow in his design!
 As per usual with DCUC heroes, there's not much to add. He's got the same basic body as everyone else, BUT, he gets a cool cape. I bought this guy used and he didn't come with the accessories, but he had some extra goodies too, which, honestly, I felt like I didn't need.
 Articulation is the same old, same old, but you have to take into account that his cape is rather heavy, so balancing him could be sort of a challenge depending on how you want to pose him. He is slightly taller than the Bucky- Cap mold.
 I don't have many displays on which to fit Mr. Miracle, but damnit, I love having him in my collection if only because he tickles my nostalgia!

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