Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #77: DC Universe Classics Ares

  I thought Kratos was the god of war.

 Yes, I know my Ares is missing his head piece, when I purchased him I didn't notice that it was missing! But this is the hand I was dealt, so my Ares is eternally condemned to be battle-damaged.
 Now then, look at this bad boy, he is gorgeous. Mattel knocked it out of the park with this one, look at all the detail this guy has gotten everywhere. I know nothing about Ares beyond his appearance in Injustice, but lemme tell you, this guy looks like one bad hombre. That said, every Ares that was produced came with the arms in the opposing socket. Somehow, with a ton of boiling water, I managed to lead a successful surgery and fix him. 
 That said.... his pauldrons severely limit his arm movement, and his skirt prevents him from moving his legs, heck, even twisting his torso was tough. Which kinda sucks, because I wanted to pose this guy so badly.
 The quality of the sculpt matches DC Direct's quality, but.... the articulation is even worse. It kinda sucks 'cause this guy could've been a must have.


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