Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #83: Marvel Legends Vulture(DemoGoblin Wave)

  You shouldn't hit your elders.

 He grew old waiting for his turn, but here we go, Vulture is up next. Yes, another green-tinted villain, and yes, another Spider-man villain.
 This guy is great. No, really. He uses the pizza-Spidey mold, and it fits him so well, because Toomes IS a thin old man, so this very slim body, with the very thin limbs works perfectly on him. The feathery collar he wears looks great on him, and I love his wings. Depending on how you articulate him you might get some gaps between the wing pieces, but I think they still did a good job with him. The wing pieces would sometimes fall off, so I glued them on. Forever.
 Being on the Pizza-Spidey mold, this guy has a lot of articulation, including butterfly joints on his arms! You can get a lot of posing out of him. He's as tall as the Bucky-Cap mold.
 I think there were some rumors about a new Vulture figure coming out... but I don't need one, this guy is a great representation of the guy, from his creepy head sculpt to the colors and the wings... This guy is just perfect. About the only things that could improve him would be a unique body mold to further emphasize his age, which won't happen, or to find a way to make the wings more seamless, and even in that case, I don't think that just that would make me double dip.

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