Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #97: DC Multiverse Green Lantern(Kyle Rayner)

  We're nearly done with the Green Lanterns, I promise!

 I promise you, this Green Lantern is different, because Kyle Rayner happens to be my favorite one, and this isn't just 'any' Kyle, it's classic 90's Kyle!! The one with the most unique outfit! Woohoo!
 I love how this guy looks! His more armored mask looks amazing, and while his arms look a bit chunky, he's gotten his more armored gauntlets! Yeah, he looks great. The green is not as mesmerizing as John's, but hey, I prefer Kyle. Sue me!
 Articulation-wise... it's your standard Multiverse figure, this means single-jointed elbows, I guess they kept the double-joints for the really special characters, like the Batfamily. He's slightly taller than Bucky-Cap.
 I love this guy, and I admit my love for the figure my stem from my love for the character, but it's not like I can fight that, right? Besides, it's my blog, and it's about how much I enjoyed the figure!

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