Thursday, May 30, 2024

Action Figure #65: Figma #580 - Raidou Kuzunoha

 A devil summoner with a cat. Everything is better with cats! 

 My previous import figures where the revoltech Monster Hunter Rathalos armor hunter(Red and Blue variatios) which were fine, and the Bring Arts Luminary One, and they both left me with the impression that Import figures are built to just fall apart. And it is somewhat true, but... I needed Raidou Kuzunoha in my life, as he is one of my two(Spoilers!) most favorite Shin Megami Tensei heroes!
 The sculpt is amazing, they captured every single detail of this guy perfectly. You can even move his eyes. I repeat, YOU CAN MOVE HIS EYES!! That said, the piece in the middle of his torso, is a soft, rubbery cover that goes over a solid belly, and it kept coming apart... so I glued it to the torso. Heresy, I know, but now the upper torso and the soft coat are one piece that doesn't come apart. But his legs, when I moved them, would sometimes push this piece upwards, making him fall apart again! So what did I do? I cut the sides of the skirt-part of this rubbery piece, so that his legs wouldn't push it upwards. All in all, with a few light modifications, now this figure works exactly how I'd like him to.
 The articulation is pretty good. He has some pseudo butterfly joints that don't offer much range, but get the job done, and his leg, knees, wrists and ankles are fitted on the traditional Figma ball joints, which I don't like too much, but whatever. He's got toe articulation too. Before I purchased the figure, and while I watched videos, I thought the cape, which is made out of cloth, looked out of place over him... but it doesn't! I LOVE posing his coat around whatever pose I gave him! It's got a flexible wire on it's edges, so you can get all sorts of really cool poses with it. He's slightly shorter than a Bucky-Cap buck, and definitely not as thick.
 I love this figure, I do. I had to do a few modifications to get him to be as playable as I wanted it to be, but afterwards? Oh boy, this is one of my favorite figures in my collection. And the coat! The coat adds SO much to his poseability that it's not even funny.

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