Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Action Figure #15: S. H. Figuarts Rose Goku Black

  Yes, he can go even rosier.

 Seems there was a little more space in my house for another Goku Black Rose, but now from Figuarts. It's about 10 usd more expensive than the Dragon Stars version, but isn't 10usd better?! I dunno, maybe?
 This rendition of the character has a pink tint applied to all his body, I think meant to represent pink ki surrounding his body. He also has a metallic pink hair, but I think the lighter pink that Dragon Stars used was better. Heck, I think the entire figure looks better without the pink tint, but that's just me, and that's as far as aesthetics go, because...
 Because as much as I think Dragon Stars used better colors, this one has undeniably better articulation. The double jointed knees look much better, the arms have better proportions and more range, and we even get a small bit of toe articulation. The legs have much better range too... although mine was squeaking a lot, so I had to oil them up a bit. Much like the Dragon Stars figure, he's only taller than a Marvel Legends thanks to his hair, because otherwise he'd be shorter. Even considering that, his proportions are a bit smaller and compact than the Dragon Stars version, so he looks smaller altogether.
 I mean, it's not a huge leap from the Dragon Stars version, no, really, the Dragon Stars version is perfectly serviceable for a budget figure, but if I had to choose I'd obviously go with this one. I mean, that's what I did which is why the Dragon Stars figure is at my mother's while this one is in my house! That said, it's still not a ground breaking figure, but I like him.

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