Friday, May 31, 2024

Action Figure #99: DC Multiverse Flash(Wally West)

  From the idiots that brought you Spider-man(Miles Morales) comes Flash(Wally West).

 Nothing annoys me more than when two characters are active at the same time and share the same moniker. The moment Miles Morales crossed over to 616 he should've gotten a new code name or Peter should've retired. The moment Ben Reilly was revived, he should've gotten a new name(At least now he's going by Chasm(Spoilers!)) and, the precursor to this idiocy.... Flash(Wally West). Wally did more for the Flash legacy than Barry ever did, but some IDIOT decided to revive Barry and give him all of Wally's abilities and now they are both active at the same time using the same moniker. I  ******** hate Marvel and DC comic books sometimes.
 But we are here to write about action figures. For all intents and purposes, he was done in the same mold as Kyle Rayner but with a new head. Sadly... his head is a bit oversized. It's not hideous but once you notice it's hard not to notice. I've never like Wally's second-fiddle costume, the two reds and the silver just don't mix very well in my eyes, however, I love how this figure looks next to Jim Lee's Cyclops or the aforementioned Kyle Rayner. With another character next to him, particularly the ones I mentioned, suddenly his look and colors become great... as a complementary figure.
 Articulation is, well, the same as Kyle Rayner's. Swivel waist, swivel legs, double jointed legs, single jointed arms and an ab crunch, the basics, really. See how much taller he looks than Kyle Rayner when next to the Bucky-Cap mold? It's his giant head.
  If only it wasn't for his giant head...! But still, it's a decent figure, go figure!

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