Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Action Figure #3: Marvel Legends - Daredevil (Marvel Knights Wave)

  The man without fear is no longer the man with no beard.

 I'm not a super Daredevil fan, nor am I to keen about bearded heroes, but something about the new Daredevil design just looked so badass to me, and being a rather new design, which was already retired, I was pleasantly surprised to see him get his own figure!
 He looks badass. His knees look a bit weird when fully bent, and he is a newer Daredevil figure with NO butterfly joints, which should be a crime, but that aside he looks really nice, and the articulation was very smooth. He comes with the two billy clubs every other Daredevil figure comes with as well as a double bladed staff that looks very cool in his hands.
 The guy is as tall as the bucky cap mold. Despite him using a black and red color scheme, which is rather prevalent in my Spider-man-centric Marvel Legends collection he still stands out because of how unique his design is. And he is a joy to pose around, and looks incredible next to Lady Daredevil. 
 He is a great one, probably one of my favorite Marvel Legends of late.

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