Friday, September 20, 2024

Action Figure #421: Marvel Legends Whiplash

  Time for a spankin'

 I always felt like Whiplash was kind of a funny guy, since his main enemy was Iron Man, a guy in a tin suit and he has... a whip as a weapon. Sure, not just any whip, but still. As someone who grew up with Iron Man's animated series, I needed this guy.
 Well, this guy... looks very silly. The strong chin couple with the stoic expression on his face mark a stark contrast to how silly this guy's costume and gimmick is. While not bendy wire, I like how his whip came out.
 The articulation... while it covers all the ML basics, with extra swivels on the boots, you have to mind the shoulders. Due to the sculpted musculature on the torso, sometimes the shoulder balls can get 'stuck' preventing the arms from moving up and down. Not a huge deal, but the engineering could use some work. He is slightly taller than Bucky-Cap.
 Well... he is as average as Marvel Legends can ever get, but I kinda like him despite his small issues.

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