Sunday, September 1, 2024

Action Figure #407: DC Icons Static

  Gotta get up, gotta go, get up!

 Back when I was younger, there was this super hero show called Static Shock! starring Static, which I kinda hated. Well I watched it again this year, and barring a few 'very special' episodes... the show was dope. I even read the original comic books, and guess what? Pretty good too! Clearly, Static needed to show my stable of heroes.
 This guy is really cool. He has the same sculpt, albeit in a smaller frame, as my DC Icons Nightwing, and since his costume is fairly basic... there's not much unique to him besides his head, gauntlets and accessories. He has an alternate head, without the baseball cap... but why would you? As well as his jacket, a few alternate hands and his trademark sewer lid, alongside a electricity effect piece to hold it over the air. It's a pretty good figure.
 Much like Nightwing, his articulation is pretty good. Ball jointed hips and shoulders, double-jointed knees and elbows, boot swivels and bicep swivels as well as hinged feet and hands. The ab crunch is on a ball joint, while the waist is on a hinge... but the waist hinge barely has any range. All things considered, it's pretty good and works well for Static. He is a very tiny figure, and while I get that he is a younger hero... I think I expected him to be a wee bit taller.
 It's a pretty good figure. I prefer the TV Show's look over his original look, but, I needed a Static figure and this one was the one that suited my 6 inch collection the best.

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