Monday, September 2, 2024

Action Figure #410: DC Direct Dr. Light

   Let it there be light!

 So... I remembered Dr. Light as that edgy plot twist in Identity Crisis in which he was revealed to be a rapist... well, this year I've been reading the New Teen Titans, and guess what? He used to be a joke! He was also a recurring villain, so I had to get a figure of him for my collection... and there was only one choice: DC Direct.
 Well... he is sculpted in a rather goofy pose that has this weird sway on his torso. But, y'know, considering this guy is a big, fat joke(Well, the classic version)... I don't mind it. His hands  are pre-posed in this relaxed grip that... looks silly, but, y'kniw, I'll take it. The expression on his face is also kinda silly. I like this guy, not for the right reasons, I think, but... it fits.
 This is a DC direct, so... the articulation sucks. he has boot swivels but and glove swivels, but no bicep swivels, legs can only go forward and backwards, but at least the arms have ball-shoulders. There's not much you can do with him. He is slightly taller than the Bucky Cap Mold.
 He's not an ideal action figure, not by a long shot, but I wanted a Dr. Light figure and he fits the rest of my collection, so I won't complain too much.

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