Thursday, December 11, 2014

Now Playing: Pursuit Force - Extreme Justice

 Both good things and bad things to say about it.
 I loved Pursuit Force 1, it seemed like a game made just for me, which is why I got so excited and before I knew I had opened Pursuit Force 2. Right off the bat, there's things that I like and things that I don't, first, the ones that I don't(Since I'd much rather end on a positive note):

1) The game is much more story-driven than before, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. Also, while the first game let you pick from the available missions, now you are forced to progress through the story. This isn't so bad, since you can just pick any stage on Challenge and Bounty Modes.

2) Why do Challenge and Bounty Mode exist? No, really, Challenge Mode unlocks nothing and why can't you earn stars on your first run through a mission? These modes feel like an artificial way to lengthen the game, no bueno, specially since it seems there's only 26 missions to the first game's 30.

3) Multiplayer Mode. Can't be played with CPUs, which means I can't try it. What's my issue with it? They probably took resources they could've invested in the Single Player mode on this mode.

4) Speedboats don't handle as well as they did in the first game.

As for the good things:

1) You can now pick your upgrades, which you buy with money you earn from the levels, very nice.

2) Cars feel much better, I think the game moves faster?

3) It looks prettier, I think on a technical level, it's the same game, but the environments I've gone through were much more appealing.

4) You can hoard weapons and switch between them, very nice.

 But the best part? Despite all my gripes, I still love the game, the core gameplay remains intact, in fact it feels better, and I'm sure I'm gonna get used to the speedboats segments. And while Challenge and Bounty Modes feel so tacky, I'm sure I'll get more mileage outta them than the races in the first game

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