Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Now Playing: DICE - DNA Integrated Cybernetic Enterprises

 Not the best name ever...
The red dude's always gotta lead.
 Alright, so the title is a handful. And then you pop-in the disc and you'll be greeted by this cheesy, in a good way, opening song alongside some of the most ridiculous 'trying so hard to be anime' character designs ever. But then you start the game, and it's kinda, sorta cool.

 I love how the characters look like Kamen Rider/Super Sentai hybrid rejects, and I love how you can ride a dinosaur-robot that turns into a vehicle. I swear, the concept is brilliant. At its core, this is a beat'em up, you mash Square to use your dinosaurs and beat up baddies until it overheats and then you do the same but on the ground. Simple stuff, but I think the concept makes up for how simple it is. I think.

 Well, I'm off too scrap more baddies, it looks really promising.

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