Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tales of Xillia... part 2

 Just finished the Colosseum and the extra dungeon...
 Colosseum? No cameo battle. Every Tales of mothership title has had a Colosseum, and they always put a cameo battle with heroes from other games of the series.... Not this time, a bit disappointing, seems it's a trend in the game?
 And after clearing the extra dungeon, the problem with the game became clear: They run out of money. The whole entirety of the extra dungeon is made up of towns, dungeons or landscapes you previously visited. They use the excuse that it's based on the heroes' thoughts, but that's just an excuse.
 The game was also pretty short, for a Tales of game, I clocked 45 hours and I did everything that could be done. Arguably, being the first game with two protagonists, playing the game as Milla does have it's exclusive scenes, but I really doubt it's over two hours of exclusive content.
 The Archview is coming tomorrow, or rather, later today when I wake up. While I liked the combat system more than Graces, the rest of the game wasn't as fulfilling. The cast of characters is too typical of a Tales game, and since I had played Graces before, it was a bit... reiterative. Casts of heroes between Tales games usually share a lot of similarities, which makes them feel a bit samey. There's always a Traitor, there's always a kid. there's always an older party member, most of the time you get the main character's best friend and when you don't, he usually gets close to another male member, not the oldest one. There's always two worlds or realms too.... My point is, it's easy to know what to expect of a Tales game, so it's probably a good idea not to play two of them in such a short time span.... ah well.

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