Friday, August 23, 2024

Action Figure #405: Marvel Legends Superior Spider-man

  The Superior Superior Spider-man!

 Superior Spider-man is a character I really like and considering how much money I paid for the original figure... to say I was disappointed would be an understatement, so when I heard that a new, updated figure was coming out... I was as happy as one can be!
 This guy features a completely new torso sculpt, it's a bit more compact than what we are used to, but I like it. He comes with 3 pairs of hands, 4 waldos, two backpacks(One with holes for the waldos) and two heads, one with faux-chromatic reflections and the other one with white eyes. Not only is the sculpt much better than the original release, but he has the backpack and the gauntlets. I kinda miss the brown eyes, but this one is overall much better.
 The articulation is really neat, as it features the newest and best in Hasbro's engineering. Butterfly joints, bicep and leg swivels, boot swivels, ball jointed hips and shoulders, toe-articulation, waist swivel and a hinge ab crunch. the ab crunch can look a bit gappy, but it has a ton of range. Lastly, the hips have the ability to drop down, offering even more range, and the waldos have four articulation points each. He is slightly shorter than the Bucky Cap mold, which makes him slightly shorter than other Spideys, but it's not as bad as the original release.
 I heard that the face paint is sometimes wonky... well, my white-eyed head has the off-centered paintjob. I don't really care since I like the other head better, makes him stand out next to the other Spideys.
 Lastly, it seems the shoulder-pegs are too large, so... the shoulder pegs will be stressed. Kinda worrisome if you ask me.
 It's not the perfect figure I expected, due to a few small QC issues, but I like this new figure, I do. I don't mind them using this mold for future Spider-man figures.

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